• 918博天堂(中国)


    2018 年,全球药品市场达到 1.2 万亿美元,比上年增长 1000 亿美元。这个数字在 2021 年预计将达到 1.5 万亿美元。生物技术、纳米技术和数字医学的新发展正在迅速改变医药产品的定义。


    As follow up to a recent webinar of the same title, Use as directed covers the regulatory complexities specific to the pharmaceutical trademark landscape. In this white paper, Maury M. Tepper, III of IP law firm Tepper & Eyster, and Emmanuelle Ragon, Senior Legal Director and Head of Trade Marks at pharmaceutical company Sanofi, discuss the unique challenges facing pharmaceutical brands and strategies for developing and clearing pharma trademarks.